Health, Safety and the Environment

We at Peak Completions believe the wellbeing of our company and clients is dependent on the health and safety of our workforce, and we hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards and compliance with the law to assure our employees and those involved in our projects are in safe hands.

Protection of employees from injury or occupational disease is a major continuing objective. We are committed to continuing improvement toward an accident- free workplace through effective administration, education and training. All supervisors, employees and subcontractors must protect their own and fellow workers’ health and safety by working in compliance with all applicable Occupational Safety and Health requirements.

We believe protecting the environment benefits our employers, customers, the general public and their families, both present and future. Our management and staff are committed to performing their duties and job requirements in a responsible manner that benefits the environment. Employees are encouraged to follow company environmental protection initiatives and to strive for continual improvement of the environmental program.  

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